Lead Partners

Deshkal Society

Deshkal Society (http://www.deshkalindia.com/) has been working in the thematic areas of heritage, culture, and school education through Bodhi Kendra and Bodhgaya Global Dialogues which is a platform for expression of experiences, reflections, and insights from plural perspectives at the intersections of heritage, education, and sustainability for building a future on the foundation of Buddha’s legacy of enlightenment and compassion.

In addition, Deshkal Society has been endeavoring for ensuring the effectiveness of institutions and mitigating longstanding barriers for ensuring delivery of rights and sanctions to the disadvantaged communities in general and Musahar community in particular in the Bodhgaya and its region since 2000. These themes are interwoven with each other, generating actions that deeply influenced the households of these communities. The theory of change is gender-based, and the agents of change have been women.

Social accountability strategy led by Deshkal Society has been succeeding in institutional partnership with bilateral donors, philanthropic foundations, and governmental departments like Ministry of Culture, GOI, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, International Buddhist Confederation, Indian Council of World Affairs, Ministry of Education, GOI, NITI Ayog (erstwhile planning commission), Indian Oil, National Thermal Power Corporation, International Growth Centre, DFID, World Bank, UNICEF, etc.

In collaboration with

Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA)

The Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (http://ignca.gov.in/), established in memory of Smt. Indira Gandhi, is visualised as a centre encompassing the study and experience of all the arts – each form with its own integrity, yet within a dimension of mutual interdependence, interrelated with nature, social structure and cosmology.

This view of the arts, integrated with, and essential to the larger matrix of human culture, is predicated upon Smt. Gandhi’s recognition of the role of the arts as essential to the integral quality of person, at home with himself and society. It partakes of the holistic worldview so powerfully articulated throughout Indian tradition, and emphasized by modern Indian leaders from Mahatma Gandhi to Rabindranath Tagore.

The arts are here understood to comprise the fields of creative and critical literature, written and oral; the visual arts, ranging from architecture, sculpture, painting and graphics to general material culture, photography and film; the performing arts of music, dance and theatre in their broadest connotation; and all else in fairs, festivals and lifestyle that has an artistic dimension. In its initial stages the Centre will focus attention on India; it will later expand its horizons to other civilizations and cultures. Through diverse programmes of research, publication, training, creative activities and performance, the IGNCA seeks to place the arts within the context of the natural and human environment. The fundamental approach of the Centre is all its work will be both multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary.

International Buddhist Confederation (IBC)

International Buddhist Confederation (IBC) (https://www.ibcworld.org/) was formally registered on November 2, 2012, and as per statutory requirements under Indian law, a 10-member provisional Governing Body was formed, which has been working on IBC’s formal structure with the following aims and objectives.

  • Lending a united voice to all Buddhist organizations, towards addressing and engaging in issues of common global concern.
  • Conserving Buddhist practices, traditions and heritage worldwide and exploring Buddhist cultural assets.
  • Coordinating knowledge, experience, facilities and resources desirable for the attainment of the objectives of IBC.
  • Deepening the understanding among members as well as among differing Buddhist traditions.Taking a firm stand against all forms of violence and encouraging a greater understanding of compassion and interdependence.
  • Working to foster greater social and gender equality and tolerance within the Buddhist world. Adding a Buddhist dimension to the on-going interfaith dialogue.
  • Functioning as a networking body to lobby state and local governments and global institutions on issues of shared Buddhist concerns.